Accounting Skills for the New Supervisor
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Accounting Skills for the New Supervisor Courseware

  • Customizable teaching manual
  • includes FREE student workbook
  • includes FREE quick reference guide
  • includes FREE PowerPoint slides
  • AND additional teaching aids
  • No annual renewal fees
  • Unlimited reprinting rights
Your manual written for you

About Accounting Skills for the New Supervisor Courseware

For a lot of people, learning how to balance the books, read balance sheets, and manage finances are tough enough without the added pressure of being in a new position at work. But for new supervisors, there’s no denying that accounting skills are essential to learn, no matter how much else is happening. Luckily, learning to find value and meaning in finances isn’t as hard as it may appear at first glance. Learning how to find meaning in numbers and what the story is behind them is an indispensable skill to have—it helps you figure out where your company is coming from, and where it’s headed!

Velsoft’s softskills course, Accounting Skills for New Supervisors, makes learning the science behind finances easy and fun. Our courseware is completely customizable for trainers, and covers everything from the bare bones of accounting management to how to create your own budget. Beginning with basic facts about supervisor accounting skills, students also learn about the accounting cycle, key reports, financial analysis tools, and more! By the end of this course, new supervisors will feel confident they can discuss the books with the best of them. All of the training material is completely customizable for trainers, and can be used with Velsoft’s eLearning courseware to transform the classroom experience into a blended learning package to help meet the needs of their students.  


We also offer an eLearning solution as well.
For an initial overview of this solution, please watch this short video.
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