Coaching and Mentoring
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Coaching and Mentoring Courseware

  • Customizable teaching manual
  • includes FREE student workbook
  • includes FREE quick reference guide
  • includes FREE PowerPoint slides
  • AND additional teaching aids
  • No annual renewal fees
  • Unlimited reprinting rights
Your manual written for you

About Coaching and Mentoring Courseware

Coach, Role Model, Counselor, Supporter, these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being a role model, sometimes a counselor or supporter, and always a guide. Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Knowing how and when to coach is an essential skill that can benefit both the participant and the organization. This one-day workshop will help them become a better coach in all senses of the word.

How You Will Benefit:

  • Understand how coaching can be used to develop their team;
  • Develop the coaching skills that help improve individual performance;
  • Demonstrate the behaviors and practices of an effective coach;
  • Recognize employees' strengths and give them the feedback they need to succeed;
  • Identify employee problems and ways they can help to correct them.


We also offer an eLearning solution as well.
For an initial overview of this solution, please watch this short video.

Bundle and Save: Supervisors and Managers

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