If you're looking for comprehensive, customizable training on supply chain management and logistics, look no further! We've designed a two-day program that
covers the following topics:
- Vertical and virtual integration supply chain models
- The five basic process areas in the supply chain
- Participants in the supply chain
- Supply chain performance drivers
- Aligning your supply chain with business strategy
- Managing supply chain risks
- Key ratios and formulas
- Benchmarking tools and techniques, including the SCOR model, balanced scorecard, and dashboards
- Best practices from industry leaders
- Outsourcing methods, including third- and fourth-party logistics providers
- Sustainability strategies
- Continuous improvement using Lean methods
- Trends that will shape supply chain management
This training package includes the following components:
- Instructor's guide with activities and icebreakers
- Pre-assignment
- Student manual
- Course outline
- Marketing advertorial
- Handouts
- Assessments
- PowerPoint slides
- Quick reference guide
To top it all off, this course is also available as eLearning. Don't wait - contact a Velsoft training consultant today to get a sample of this amazing